Another Year, Another Post
So, an update.
My beloved cat passed away in July of 2022. I quit coffee that fall. And I moved to North Beverly, MA the following January!
Life changes so dramatically and also so gradually that looking back to my profile blog from last year feels like revisiting an old friend and a warm wistful moment.
Now, April of 2023, I am setting root here on the forested shorelines of my Mass. home… finding community in a new church, working at the most excellent and frequently laughter-filled quirky Trader Joes and still chipping away at building a life of art-making, purpose and delight.
This website is the fruit of hope and exhaustive vulnerability. It has been such a challenge to brave putting my art out there (where is there?) for you. And it’s totally worth it, because I trust that this artwork and platform will be a possible source of encouragement and found beauty, renewed vision and wonder… I’m here, confident or not, definitely imperfect and my wish is that this makes you brave, too. Brave to share your heart with people you meet, to wear bold, fun, lovely things and to make with your life what your gut has been yearning for, however daunting.
Much love,